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Teaching Students their Math Facts, Permanently.
(Bridging The Gap)
We Provide Academic Change: Character Math will keep every student on track in math without being left behind due to the lack of understanding how Numbers work.
Knowing how Numbers work is equivalent to understanding the alphabet & how phonograms work; with it they will succeed, without it they will continue to struggle.
We also provide quality Tutoring & Professional Development Training to ensure successful educational practices. All Services are done through scheduling.
Character Math Courses
Character Math Training DvD
Partnership Bundle
$2,000.00Partnership Bundle
Recreational PACKAGE
$500.00Recreational PACKAGE
$500.003 Week Package (ages 5 to 13+)
Character Math; is a 2-week (10 day) to 3-week (15 day) math program/course, that teaches multiplication & division, permanently; a factual Tool of understanding. For at the very core of all things, is math & the ability to use it. The fact that a child’s ambition to do well in society can & will, be thwarted by poor performance in math. Essentially, math is the element that binds our lives: math connects our existence, our growth & our world in a perfect manner that is now available for all to understand.
Character Math in general, was designed to reveal this revelation in a format that is mentally pleasing as a group & also as a well rounded solo experience. The power of memory is an exercise medium. The more it is in use the greater the results. Our formula has undergone continuous testing in many scenarios, spanned across different learning institutions. Character math is changing the way students & professionals are seeing numbers. For the 12×12 Times Table Tool, is Making Your Studies Dumber. It has become a hindrance to the independence of critical thinking.
Contact Us
1800 N Bristol St. Unit C-405, Santa Ana, CA 92706