
In the construction of the design of this project, offers a new method for students to learn their math facts & complex math, simpler. It also allows for varied functions of the article to be exercised openly. Character Math will come with a Diagram; made of durable Glossed Paper & Super Heavy Weight Lamination materials to protect the content designed on the paper. It will also come with a Hand Book along with the Teachers Guide, 30 Numerical Ladder Cards, 30 Personality Cards, Work Sheets, a Program Tutorial & The Final Exam Paper to copy for testing. Character Math will be made of many attractive colors that will represent personality. The following list of properties serves to define possible uses for Character Math; to bring forth a new appeal towards numbers, making students use their memory to supersede mathematical challenges, allowing students to build a personal relationship with the numerical system.

Character Math will aim to supply all Curriculum Classrooms to help build Grade Averages.

An optional feature of this article is that, this project could be great for family interaction & after school learning. Take Character Math home to study, helpful parents may enjoy the process of grasping something new to themselves & apply it to their own everyday procedure, behind bonding with their children. I know, I did. Simply developing this project & exploring it with my children, we have bonded greatly, & we love Character Math. Keep in mind, this is not meant for simple math; such as addition & subtraction. Yet, can be utilized just the same, after comprehension is grasped. It is, to be used as an advanced developing tool for Multiplication & Division. Research credits is not needed for validation, for numbers are factually undeniable & not opinionated. 1+1=2. Do the Math.

Figures displayed; a new times tables chart (The Numerical Ladder) of its design. As can be seen from the drawings, a summary of the Val’s & Ki-Val’s are stated. Numerical Cycles symbols with summary, Cypher symbols with summary, a 15 Day Development Program to advance students Numerical comprehension & The Numerical Personality Chart, that defines each Number as its own Character: Based off stereotypical Number assessments, divisional Number formations & practical Number placements, that is already familiar towards the common logic for which it stands. It also shows the creativity of how some Character traits are not negative based on its labels & can show structure of reasoning. Feel free to challenge the Personality Chart or to defend its accuracy to create fun ways to interact with your classroom.

Sincerely Yours, Character Math. Happy Teachings, From Tyair N. Dorsey