(i) Operation Plan

Character Math intends to bring forth:

  • New Numerical Chart
  • Advanced Math Program
  • Develop Better Grades

The Numerical Ladder; is a Newly Designed Numbers Chart, a strategic tool to cleverly advance one’s relationship with the Numerical system. Each Number has its own personal structure, that is opposite to its significant other; notice how 1 is opposite to 9, 2 & 8, 3 & 7, 4 & 6. The patterns end, at their recycling points to make you view the pattern within its perspective, allowing you to visualize the continuation of the multiplications on your own. The Chart is called the Numerical Ladder because you are literally climbing a Numbers Ladder: 1 through 4 ⬆, 6 through 9 ⬇. The reflections are clearly seen & just like everything else in life, Numbers are very balanced as they collapse within one another. So, you are in fact, climbing up & down the universal code of language by Characterizing Mathematics.

Val Numbers(Even Numbers): 2, 4, 6, 8, & sometimes 5M
These Numbers are Val’s; (as in, expressing their valuables) they reach only 5 Steps of the same properties (2,4,6,8,0) within its Cycle, containing an even balance; Eliminating complexity. 5; never leaves its own structure, so it’s sometimes.

Ki Numbers(Uneven Numbers): 1, 3, 7 & 9
These Numbers are Ki’s; (Chinese philosophy: the circulating life force whose existence & properties are the basis of much) Ki Numbers reaches all 10 Steps within its Cycle; 1 through 9, before recycling itself at 0. A deeper rooting towards comprehension is comparable to its respective title & structure: Ki.

Ki Cycles: 10’s, 30’s, 70’s, 90’s given the complexity of their Steps, Ki Cycles are simple to comprehend. 10 Steps, 10 times, you always come around to the same complete number; Cycles, & Cyphers. Unlike Val Cycles, where their 5 Step patterns does not change, yet their complete Cycles do, as well as their Cyphers (will be Expressed shortly; with Cycle Cyphers).

Example: reviewing pattern 6 {“The Starting Number, is 6. The Following Number is 2. It is Lesser than the Previous Number. Meaning, it is in a Higher Division. Making it, 12. The Following Number is 8. It is Higher than the Previous Number. Meaning, it is within the same Division. Making it, 18. The Following Number is 4. It is Lesser than the Previous Number. Meaning, it is in a Higher Division. Making it, 24. The Following Number is 0. It is Lesser than the Previous Number. Meaning, it is in a Higher Division. Making it, 30. The Following Number is 6. It is Higher than the Previous Number. Meaning, it is within the same Division. Making it, 36. The Following Number is 2. It is Lesser than the Previous Number. Meaning, it is in a Higher Division. Making it, 42. The Following Number is 8. It is Higher than the Previous Number. Meaning, it is within the same Division. Making it, The Following Number is 4. It is Lesser than the Previous Number. Meaning, it is in a Higher Division. Making it, 54. The Following Number is 0. It is Lesser than the Previous Number. Meaning, it is in a Higher Division. Making it, 60.”} ; 6,2,8,4,0.

Full Equations, shows the results,
not the pattern.

Character Math, Exposing the Pattern brings recognition towards simplicity.

If the following Number is Lesser than the previous Number, it MOVES to the following Division. If the following Number is Higher than the previous Number, it STAYS within the same Division.

Divisions: Divisions are 1’s, 10’s, 20’s, 30’s, so on & so forth. Recognizing this, brings forth the recognition of Number placement to maintain the pattern. Which will also help towards spotting solutions easier when doing future equations. If the Following Number is Lesser than the Previous Number in the Pattern, it has moved to a higher Division; Example: The 1’s Division; starts at 1 & ends at 9. The 10’s Division; starts at 10 & ends at 19. The 20’s Division; starts at 20 & ends at 29. 30’s – 39, 40’s – 49, so on & so forth. Keep this in mind, climbing the Numerical ladder. No Division is skipped. The completion to every Cycle & Cypher ends, at 0(Zero). Zero is not a Number; it is the beginning of nothing that leads towards something. Therefore, is not noted on the Chart. Use recycle symbol to represent not only the Zero but the point of recycling the pattern. This is where the student naturally begins to use their own mind, to recycle the pattern with 0 (Zero) & puts them on their own mathematical journey. After Examples are grasped sufficiently, Character Math will begin to build its own relationship with each & every student. It is not meant to speed up the process, but it will in fact for those students more inclined. Overall, every student will bring forth better results due to Character Math’s methods. Once learning Character Math, the students will exercise the Numerical Ladder on future equations until the Chart is no longer necessary, for the concept has been grasped & applied to memory. Making mathematical evaluations simple & less stressful. As the Teacher, you can educate them as you see fit; continuously, broken down through a two to three-week process, a touch & go refresher. Upon successful practice, the Numerical Ladder can be used for all forms of Mathematics. It is open to the level of one’s own use of creativity, for the Chart reveals the undeniable.