Character Math’s goal is to excel within the Education System by bringing forth a superior Numerical Chart, that helps students see math more clearly without depending on the use of calculators & more on memory for the brain is a faster tool when memory is involved. I feel Character Math’s newly designed diagram is the best possible addition for growth in the educational system & would bring excitement to classrooms, like Phonograms did when it was brought forth. There is quality & reliability in Character Math for each student would be able to learn behind the simplicity of the structure. Doing random test on individuals that I have come across, have stated that Character Math is an eye opener, a refreshing outlook on math, some say that it can help children with dyslexia. I wanted to place Character Math within all homes & classrooms across the Country, along with other educational programs around the world so that others can find math just as appealing, for Numbers have just as much Character as Letters do. Character Math Provides a Guarantee towards the knowledge of what will be taught.