Phase 3 is the final week for those that have made considerable progress: classes who have successfully achieved previous Phases & are ready to advance. Use the Blink side of your Equation Sheet for the majority of this Phase. Create Equations that require them to use their Numerical Ladder & use the Steps to acquire their answers that they are seeking. Remain practicing any exercise’s that are necessary

Day 1) CYCLE Pattern recognition; using Val & Ki Cycles. Expose Cycle through simple Steps. Elaborate on Steps: Lesser or Higher. To recognize complete Cycles, us the Numerical Steps once to see each Cycle. The Numerical Cards can assist in this process. Quick Example: 8/224 = ?? The Cycle Number to 8 is 40; go to the 4’s ladder & follow, 4,8,2,6,0 = 40, 80, 120, 160, 200. That’s 5 Cycles = 25 Steps. Once you get to the nearest Number, you go back to the 8’s Pattern to finish your equation, 208, 216, 224 = that’s 3 more Steps, totaling 8/224 = 28.

Repeat Patterns when necessary. Use Cycle Steps until you must return to the primary Number.

Day 2) Start off with a brief subtraction introduction, the opposite to its Partner; addition.

With subtraction you are climbing down the Numerical Ladder instead of up it. So, with Subtraction you are going backwards; if the following Number is Lesser than the Previous Number, it is in the Same Division. If the following Number is Higher than the Previous Number, it is in the Lower Division. Use the Numerical Ladder in Reverse/Opposite side, use Opposite Number when Subtracting. Nothing serious, have fun with it.

How is this capable? How is this even comprehended? Cycles: are the completions to every Pattern. Go over Pattern Cycles; using all Val &/or Ki Numbers. Expose opposite number.

Elaborate on Divisions, magnify each Cycle, climb up & down the Numerical Ladder.

Day 3) CYPHER Pattern recognition; using Cycles. Expose Cypher through Cycle Steps.

Elaborate on Steps: If the following Number is Lesser or Higher… Move on to Pattern recognition Flashpoint: Use even larger equations to evaluate Denominator through Cyphers. Flash-Point: Divide singles, with double- & triple-digit numbers using Cycles. This is an independent action where you use Cycles & Cyphers within long division. The Numerical Cards can assist in this process. Flashpoint Example: The Cycle Number to 8 is 40; go to the 4’s ladder & follow the Pattern, 4,8,2,6,0 = 40, 80, 120, 160, 200. Exposing 8’s Cypher number; 200.

Every Number has these same Steps to find its Cypher. 8’s Cypher has 25 Steps within it. Meaning 8 goes into 200 25x & goes into 600 75x. This makes long division as easy as it comes. Not all Numbers have the same Cypher Steps. You do the Math.

Optional: Recap comparison with Cycles, if students do not fully comprehend Patterns through Steps. Run recognition flashpoint the following day if not confident. Use Steps with Numerical Cards. Break down Pattern exposure as you go along.

Day 4) Personality Chart! Pass out your Personality CARD’s. Help find out what’s your Number! Discuss Number Characteristic relativity. Turn the Cards around & really tap into your Digit. Try to avoid this conversation until this moment. Why? Because as time goes on, they will find their own Number. If 2 out of 3 definitions significantly apply, you may have found your Number. Allow them to speak freely: how does that Number apply to them? Do you agree or disagree with Numbers & why? Question the Card evaluation, Support the Cards evaluation, elaborate on compatible opposite Number or how the opposing Numbers are opposites. Try to discover why the Numbers are the Colors that they are & why. Can you determine the reasoning? It’s up to you, recap on the process of learning that took place, Phase to Phase. What is their new outlook? Get personal with their new-found relationship with Numbers. Enjoy the moment, because afterwards, “Prepare for tomorrows test.” Request them to Represent their Number on Test Day. Make that day memorable. Why? Because you have taken your students to a new level of educational value, & that is awesome.

Day 5) Final Test Day: Copy Character Math’s Final Exam to complete the course. This test will be 20 questions that strictly has to do with the Program & what your students should undoubtably know to carry on with them, now knowing their math facts. Assigned assessments to strengthen your student’s comprehension behind what the teachers exercised. The Numerical Ladder will be available for pattern validation. No student will fail if used correctly.

Aftermath: Exercise Pattern Phases from the Program 3 days out of each week, for about 6 months to master Patterns; Cycles & Cypher recognition. Utilize Numerical Cards daily.

Flashpoint Pop Quiz questionnaires & refreshers throughout the school year to help memory.

For Students Outside of The Structured School System &/or Homeschooled, over the Age of 12. Follow the same structure, or…

For Day 1) Combined Phase 1; Day 1 & 2. For Day 2) Combined Phase 1; Day 3 & 4. For Day 3) Phase 1; Day 5: Test Day.

For Day 4 & 5: Trouble Shooting whatever shortcomings from Test. Allow them to exercise what they have learned throughout the rest of the week using the tools given.

Watch over them to calculate what needs to be explained more thoroughly for the week ahead.

Follow the same (3 Day) structure for the following week with Phase 2, & than Phase 2/3 the next week following that. Exercise every Phase of the Program for the remainder of the year.