Day 1

Day 1) Will be week-1. Bring forth your own Character Math Introduction to the best of your ability, for you (The Teacher) will be learning something new as you teach your class. Let go of any pressure if your students question your capacity to teach. Being vulnerable to your students & sharing your own empathy will bring them comfort. See Daily Achievement Example; on the back of the Final Exam. For Elementary, Sing the Numerics Song daily. Write on the board “Higher, Stay.” & under that “Lesser, Move.” leave this on the board as a reminder, for your students. Show Pattern recognition by Steps using Val Numbers; 2 & 8. Touch on the basic pattern repetition with 2. When you get to 8, elaborate on Division’s: If the following Number is Higher than the Previous Number, it is within the Same Division. If the Following Number is Lesser than the Previous Number, it is in a Higher Division. When introducing Diagram; Expose opposite patterns. Work on Pattern recognition: Elaborate on the subject using 2 & 8 until they grasp the point. Use Work Ladder for this Phase, students can write the patterns out clearly for comprehensive purposes.

Use constant Day to Day reminders: Control your conversations with your class, keep topics on the project at hand or Characterize the Numbers occupying the day. Such as; Numbers of the Day. These Numbers will be the topic of the day. Daily reminders of what was learned should be exercised daily. This is how you build, Numerical Character & Memory Muscle.